Happiness – begins with fair

Clueless owner of business, despite being the most generous of all employees wouldn’t stay content for long

You are simply awesome! You are leading an organization which is growing and similarly you, being a good employer, make sure your employees make the most of it as well. You are generously rewarding everyone as well. You champion bringing joyous moments. Short lived though. You notice you aren’t really able to secure those moments, neither really capitalize on them. Your people tend to lose the motivation very quickly and are not satisfied despite your growing benefits and perks.

You have done a lot surely, but have you done it right? Think over! Or keep reading and I may have a clue to what impeded all your generous efforts you made for your employees.

Are you sure you weren’t indifferent? Were you being nice to all, the under, average and the over performer? Just because you could afford, you decided to make everyone happy. Well, although it was very considerable for you to do so, it did make you indifferent towards performance. Performance is what matters, performance based assessment and accordingly treatment of team members is what brings the right energy organization needs.

Be fair. Recognize, appreciate and act diligently when it’s about doing. Do not be careless, make everyone feel inclusive and catered for. Design policies which are not white washing the situations of all employees across different regions, race or religions with differing needs, backgrounds and conditions.

Today demands personalization from us to secure customers, so why not employees? Only through our employees we reach our customers. Each and every individual is unique and has special needs and wants. Why not tailor made it for them. In remote world, these differing needs are bound to rise.

I completely understand it’s not easy as it sounds but rather than introducing strict policies and number caps and limits, why not have frameworks and guidelines. One thing to ensure is involvement of local and relevant expertise is key in such decisions to avoid assuming what works for some, works for all.

Remember, this is cheesy but it’s the only way. Fair and justice for all!

Photo credit: Hands photo created by wayhomestudio – www.freepik.com